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Mind the Gap

A study from Malachi to Matthew:

Between the Testaments

400 BC to 4 BC.



An introduction to the study.

Play 1: It's Important to Mind Gap

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap


The Hebrew Scriptures throughout history.

Play 2: The Differing Textual Traditions of the Old Testament

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 3: A History of Israel, 1400 BC-539 BC

The history of Israel in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Play 3: A History of Israel, 1400 BC - 539 BC

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 4: The Persian Empire, 539 to 333 BC

King Cyrus of Persia and the rise of the Persian Empire.

Play 4: The Persian Empire, 539 BC to 333 BC

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 5: The Grecian Empire, 333 to 146 BC

Alexander the Great and the rise of the Grecian Empire.


Play 5: The Grecian Empire, 333 BC to 146 BC

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 6: The Maccabean Revolt, 167 to 160 BC

Hanukkah’s origin in a rebellion against the Greeks.


Play 6: The Maccabean Revolt, 167 - 160 BC

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 7: The Hasmonean Dynasty, Part 1, 110 to 63 BC

The rise of the Hasmoneans Dynasty in Israel.


Play 7: The Hasmonean Dynast, Part I, 110 BC to 63 BC

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 8: The Hasmonean Dynasty, Part 2, 110 to 63 BC

The Hasmonean Dynasty in Israel. 


Play 8: The Hasmonean Dynasty, Part 2, 110 BC to 63 BC

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 9 The Roman Republic, 753 BC-AD 476

The ancient Roman Republic turns into the Roman Empire.


Play 9: The Roman Republic Becomes an Empire, 753 BC to AD 476

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 10: The Rise of Herod the Great, 73 BC to 4 BC

The rise of Herod as a Roman vassal king of the Jews.


Play 10: The Rise of Herod the Great

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 11: Herod the Great, King of the Jews, 40 BC to 4 BC

Examining the wicked and cruel reign of Herod. 

Play 11: Herod the Great, King of the Jews, 40 BC to 4 BC

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 12: King Herod Compared to the King of Kings

Comparing the king of the Jews to the King of kings.


Lesson 13: At That Time, Michael Shall Rise, AD 27

Daniel prophecies the coming of the Messiah.


Play 13: At That Time, Michael Shall Rise (AD 27)

by Wade Burleson | Mind the Gap

Lesson 14: A Summary of Between the Testaments

Two summaries of what we’ve studied; notes only.